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The Word This Week – 9th June

Dear Friends in the Northwest

This Sunday is the third Sunday after Pentecost; there will be a service in Ullapool. Next Sunday, the fourth after Pentecost, there will be services in Ullapool and Achiltibuie.

The monthly Bible Study group, continuing a series of studies about the Holy Spirit, will meet on Monday this week at 5 pm at Joy’s house (51 St Valery Place).

The General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church meets in Edinburgh this coming week. I will be away at that meeting from Tuesday to Saturday but will be contactable by phone/email throughout. Please pray for the work of the Synod, which is the governing body of our church, its officers and staff, and the bishops, clergy and lay members that comprise it, as they meet.

Fr David has produced the latest edition of the St Mary’s Environmental Group newsletter to keep us up to date with issues and events. It has been sent to the St Mary’s congregation and can also be found in the News & Notices Section of this website.

With love and prayers

Rev’d Clare

Please click the link below for this week’s reflection

24 06 Pentecost 3.pdf