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The Word This Week – 2nd February

Dear Friends in the Northwest

This Sunday is Candlemas, the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. It marks the end of the Christmas season. This Sunday and next, there will be a service in Ullapool. My thanks to Rev’d David Higgon for preparing this week’s reflection.

As part of the Bishop’s Mission and Ministry Day on Saturday 8th February, those present will be asked to give feedback on the three following questions:

a) 3 things to celebrate in the life of your worshipping community
b) 3 challenges facing your worshipping community
c) 3 constructive changes you would like to see

We have been asked to consult with members of the congregations in advance so any responses to these questions, whether you have three or not, would be very helpful so that we can give a representative response.

The monthly Bible Study group will meet on Monday 10th February at 5.00 pm at Joy’s house to continue the new series of studies on Prayer.

Advance notice that, this year, Bishop Mark will be joining the North West Charge for the Easter Triduum, from Maundy Thursday to Easter Day. Easter is late this year, so the dates are Thursday 17th to Sunday 20th April. I hope that he will be able to join each congregation at some point, although this may mean a little juggling of service times on Easter Day.

With love and prayers

Rev’d Clare

Please click the link below for this week’s reflection

25 02 Candlemas.pdf