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The Word This Week – 23rd February

Dear Friends in the Northwest

This Sunday is the Seventh Sunday after Epiphany. This weekend, there will be a service in Kinlochbervie on Saturday and services in Ullapool and Lochinver on Sunday. Next Sunday is the Sunday before Lent when there will be the usual service in Ullapool in the morning and a service of sung Evensong at the ‘winter’ time of 3.00 p.m.

Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of Lent, is on 5th March this year. If you have your palm cross from last year and would like me to burn it for this year’s ashes, please give it to me by next Sunday. There will be services of Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes in St Mary’s at 11.00 am and 6.00 pm on Ash Wednesday.

Just prior to that, on Shrove Tuesday, 4th March, St Mary’s Ullapool will be holding a Pancake Party & Angel Drive at the church at 5 pm. Do come along if you can – it’s fun!

Our Lent course this year, entitled Hope in Hard Places, has been produced by the Christian charity Embrace the Middle East. It looks at stories of steadfast faith, hope and trust found in the Bible and reflects on what God’s transformational love means for the world today. We will be meeting on Sundays 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th March and 6th April at 11.30 a.m. in St Mary’s. This time seems to have worked quite well for people for the last couple of years and there will be time for the usual gathering for refreshments after the morning service before we start. We will finish by 12.30 p.m. If you are unable to attend but would like to receive the materials, please let me know.

And finally, looking well ahead but so you can keep the date:

Study Day – Peace With Creation

We have arranged a study day on the theme of Peace with Creation for Saturday 30th August 2025 It will be led by David Coleman Scottish Eco-congregation chaplain. Please put the date in your diary. The venue will be St Mary’s Ullapool.

With love and prayers

Rev’d Clare

Please click the link below for this week’s reflection

25 02 Epiphany 7.pdf