Dear Friends in the Northwest
This Sunday is the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany; there will be services in Ullapool and Achiltibuie. Next weekend, the Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, there will be a service in Kinlochbervie on Saturday and services in Ullapool and Lochinver on Sunday.
Looking ahead, on the Sunday before Lent, 2nd March, there will be a service of sung Evensong at the ‘winter’ time of 3.00 p.m. in St Mary’s, Ullapool.
Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of Lent, is on 5th March this year. If you have your palm cross from last year and would like me to burn it for this year’s ashes, please give it to me by Sunday 2nd March. There will be services of Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes in St Mary’s at 11.00 am and 6.00 pm on Ash Wednesday.
The Cathedral have asked me to share with you some events that are coming up there. On Sunday 23rd February, there will be Choral Evensong at 5.30 pm to include the licensing of two new diocesan clergy. That service will be followed by a Piano and Organ Concert at 7 pm. On Maundy Thursday, 17th April, all are welcome at the Chrism Mass, the service at which the Bishop consecrates the Chrism and blesses the Holy Oils, and where the diocesan clergy renew their ordination vows. The service is followed by lunch and you are asked to book in advance if you would like lunch. On Good Friday, 18th April, there is ‘Come and Sing the Crucifixion’, an opportunity for people to join the Cathedral Choir to rehearse and perform ‘The Crucifixion’ by John Stainer. I have some further details of these events if you would like them.
The St Mary’s Environmental Group has produced the next edition of its newsletter to keep us up to date with issues and events, and it has been sent to the St Mary’s congregation. It can also be found in the News and Notices section of this website.
With love and prayers
Rev’d Clare
Please click the link below for this week’s reflection