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The Word This Week – 12th May

Dear Friends in the Northwest

We are keeping this Sunday as Ascension Sunday when there will be a service in Ullapool. My thanks to Fr David for providing our reflection on the Feast of the Ascension. Next Sunday, the Feast of Pentecost, there will be services in Ullapool and Achiltibuie.

The monthly Bible Study group will meet on Monday 13th May at 5 pm at Joy’s house (51 St Valery Place).

Another Reflective Walk is planned for the afternoon of Saturday 25th May at the All Abilities Path in Assynt. If you are thinking of coming along, let me know beforehand so I can let you know if we decide to postpone due to poor weather.

I am on holiday until the morning of Saturday 18th May. In my absence, Fr David Higgon will be taking the services in Ullapool and will provide any necessary pastoral cover for the Ullapool and Achiltibuie congregations. Fr John Green will provide pastoral cover for the Lochinver and Kinlochbervie congregations. My thanks to them for their help.

Please continue to pray for Bryn during his time as a human rights observer in the West Bank.

With love and prayers

Rev’d Clare

Please click the link below for this week’s reflection

24 05 Ascension Sunday.pdf